
Drimble continues independently under Liplijn Ventures

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05 / 08 / 2023

As of August 2023, the news site Drimble has continued independently under the leadership of Liplijn Ventures, with its own dedicated team and editorial staff. Previously, Drimble was part of the Matrixian Group.

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The decision to detach Drimble from the Matrixian Group comes from a shift in the parent company’s strategic focus. In recent years, the Matrixian Group has increasingly emphasized the development of data and AI applications for the real estate sector, leading Drimble to no longer fit within its core portfolio. As a result, it was decided to transfer Drimble to Liplijn Ventures, a partner that aligns better with the future plans of the news aggregation site.

With this transition, Drimble has the opportunity to further develop and strengthen its position as an essential source of news and information for Dutch readers. The platform will continue to strive for delivering high-quality journalism while adapting to the evolving needs of the audience.

We look back on the fruitful collaboration with Drimble and wish them success in their continued independent activities.